Trading Software Lab
Trading tools for Interactive Brokers
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Trading tools for Interactive Brokers.
Trading tools
- ibtoc2
- Command your Collective2 trading system from Interactive Brokers TWS
- jbreakouttrader
- Automated Price Range Breakout Trading with Interactive Brokers
- jopentrader
- Automated stock trading with Interactive Brokers
- joptionchains
- Option chain CSV text files periodically updated with Interactive Brokers
- jtwscharts
- Real-time charts for Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux with Interactive Brokers
- jtwsdata
- Data files updated real-time with Interactive Brokers
- jtwsdump
- Historical data download with Interactive Brokers
- orderreplicator
- Automatic order replication for Interactive Brokers
- volumesense
- Real-time volume action charts with Interactive Brokers
Interactive Brokers (IB) is a low cost provider of trade execution and clearing services for individuals, advisors, prop trading groups, brokers and hedge funds. IB's premier technology provides direct access to stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds and funds on over 100 markets worldwide from a single IB Universal account.
Member NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Visit for more information.