
Option chain CSV text files periodically updated with Interactive Brokers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


jOptionChains is a data tool that saves the option chain for a specified symbol to a CSV text data file and automatically updates the generated data file at a specified time interval throughout the day.

jOptionChains runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.


jOptionChains screenshot

The screenshot illustrates the result of importing a data file generated by jOptionChains into a spreadsheet application. The available data records are: underlying symbol, current date, underlying price, expiry date, strike price, option symbol, bid price, ask price. The following additional data records are available on special configurations of jOptionChains: current time, Last, bidSize, askSize, lastSize, Volume, Open, High, Low, Close, impliedVol, Delta, pvDividend, optPrice, gamma, vega, theta, undPrice.



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